Steinunn´s show BORDERS in Chicago has been nominated for the Global Fine Art Award in the category of Public or Outdoor installation. Steinunn´s show is 1 of 6 international public art shows nominated. Other nominated shows are f.e. Echo by Jaume Plensa and The Last Days of Folly by Rachel Feinstein. There are 5 categories of the GFAA with a total of 25 shows nominated.
The GFAA program honors innovation in design, historical context, educational value, and public appeal. The program will be instrumental to develop interest and passion for fine art, and further its educational role in society. This award program recognizes and rewards the best fine art exhibitions and installations of the past year (Aug 1, 2013 – Jul 31, 2014)
Five awards are juried, and a sixth award, “Youniversal,” is determined by public voting. The program consists of a digital platform, with social media and website (, and a live award ceremony to take place in Miami on Monday, December 1, 2014.
As part of its educational mission, the GFAA program is partnering with a global children’s art charity, the International Child Art Foundation (ICAF), a 501(c)3 nonprofit that serves children in over 80 countries. The partnership will further promote the shared ideals of art, creativity and peace. A portion of net proceeds will directly benefit the ICAF programs.
Check out Global Fine Art Awards video of Steinunn´s show at: